We build your imagination

Characterization and optimization of B2B Customers

Endesa is a multinational in the energy sector, whose main business areas are the generation, distribution and sale of electricity and the sale of natural gas. Endesa currently has more than 12 million customers across Europe.



In 2020, Endesa approached us with the possibility of evaluating the CRM Campaigns Platform to optimize the process of characterizing B2B Customers, not only in the internal team, but also in the external teams. The system used was not agile enough for Endesa’s needs, and the Evidensys platform, together with the fact that it was already familiar with Evidensys work, provided a solution to the identified difficulties.

Endesa had already been a client of Evidensys for the development of web solutions since 2014 (namely in XML invoicing solutions) and this partnership relationship had already shown how quickly we can respond.



After a series of exploratory meetings with the Endesa and Evidensys teams, we identified the needs in a roadmap to plan the implementation on the platform CRM Campaigns, the various functions and processes specific to Endesa’s needs, not only as a company, but also in the energy supply and commercialization sector.

Scheduling reports with calculated fields, contract expiration alerts, importing companies from the systems in use by Endesa for CRM Campaigns campaigns, customizing user security were just some of the implementations that allowed (and continue to allow) to have a solution that fits 100% to the needs of Endesa’s teams.

The fact of using a platform as a base, in this case the CRM Campaigns Platform, and not a licensed software, allowed us to develop a solution in a very agile and totally personalized way, for a Client with an international dimension and with a very particular focus. in the business sector in Portugal.

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A Evidensys cria Web e Mobile Apps que tornam a sua imaginação uma realidade. Tem uma ideia para melhorar um processo ou para chegar a Clientes de uma forma mais eficiente? Fale connosco.